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Enhancing your customer experience 

Retail really is a cutthroat environment where only the best makes it. Businesses now are becoming much more aware of the importance of growing customer loyalty to ensure long term growth of the business. Here we will look at you will make you CX improve to ensure that you are ahead of the game.

By improving your CX this will no doubt have a positive impact on your profits with also a reduction on operational costs.

Here we will look at some tips on how to improve your CX.

  • Give your employees power – This may not seem relevant to customer experience, but it really does. For example, of you allow your employees to use their own judgement for discounts and resolving customer issues rather than making customers wait to find management and causing a scene this will improve the CX.
  • Value your employees – Your employees are the people interacting with your customers so if they are happy, they will provide a better service leading to a more positive CX overall.
  • Use technology – Using technology in your store or online store will help to boost the experience of the customer. For example, using virtual reality in store or a chat box online adds to the CX and makes the experience easier and more fun for your customer.
  • Personalisation – Personalisation goes a long way in customer experience. Use date and surveys and past purchases to show your customers you care about what they are buying and provide discounts and promotions on things that they are interested in.
  • Customer Service – Ensuring a high level of customer service really helps with CX no end and really does improve the retention of your customers.
  • Measure CX – Use surveys and feedback to improve CX by listening to your customers you can change things and adapt to provide exactly what they need.


If you want to improve your CX then contact CJ retail today for help and guidance and we will discuss how we can help you.