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With Black Friday upon us, we’re looking at ways in which retailers can capitalise on the bargain-hunting crowds that flock to stores across the country. No longer perceived as a single day of discounting, the trading event now spans an entire month, with an unprecedented number of retailers pledging to offer reduced pricing. Whilst the […]


Retail activations in the EMEA region? Avoid brand travel sickness

Retail activations in the EMEA region? Avoid brand travel sickness - CJRS

For UK retailers and brands, keeping standards of in-store campaign activation consistent and maintaining compliance can be a difficult task, let alone trying to do so across international borders. As anyone who has attempted it will know; coordinating retail activations thousands of miles apart with effectively and efficiently is no mean feat. Aside from the simple […]

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Why more retailers should fly the flagship standard in all stores

Why more retailers should fly the flagship standard in all stores | CJRS

Are the days of large multiple retailers rolling out the same store format everywhere finally numbered? The current plight of grocery retailers would certainly seem to suggest so. Vast out of town ‘Extra’ style supermarkets are rapidly becoming retail white elephants as shoppers turn their backs on them, forcing the leading players to re-evaluate what […]

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Discounters begin to value POS more highly

How to make retail success during this years summer of sport

Shopper buying habits and the grocery landscape are undoubtedly changing. But to date, much of the attention has been directed towards how traditional grocery retailers will fight back or, indeed, if they will be able to at all. As far back as 2008, in the midst of the recession, Tesco tried to its hand at […]

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