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CJ Retail Solutions international

 We work with fully qualified, expert partners in over 95 countries across the globe to ensure the same level of retail installation and maintenance services throughout all projects

 Our Global Solution…

We work with a network of fully qualified, expert partners located across the globe. Each partner has been carefully selected and tested to ensure the highest standards we are known for in the industry are retained.

We ensure all of our Partners have the relevant liability insurance, risk assessments and method statements to conform with each countries H&S regulations.

CJ Retail solutionsThrough a highly experienced and dedicated Global business structure, your project is in safe hands. Project managed centrally in our UK Head Office., clients have 24 hour visibility of their project via a bespoke portal powered by our CJ Technical Solutions in-house IT Team.



We work to deliver your project to maximum compliance levels, no matter how big or small your project is – we deliver one-off projects in single countries or complete large-scale campaigns that span Europe, The Americas, the Middle East, India, Asia and Africa.

The size and expertise of our network, means we’re able to achieve effective, efficient solutions for your project all delivered  at  maximum compliance levels.

Our coverage spans more than 95 countries, with each strategic partner in the network bringing invaluable local knowledge, culture and language skills – as well as expert, fully qualified delivery of all projects.

At our head office in the UK, we manage projects from initial scoping, consultation and support on design, manufacture, through to implementation. Regional project management teams oversee the delivery and communications of campaigns, while our unique client reporting portal provides  24/7 real-time invaluable data for customers.

We will get your brand visible and consistent across the world with maximum compliance levels


Our unique, bespoke client portal provides the data and reports you want to see and need on each of your projects, the possibilities are not restricted as our own in-house IT developers can build the portal for your own business’ needs. The system can gather an endless amount of data collected during audits giving you full visibility of your estate and a real understanding of how your brand is performing. With 24/7 real time access for customers and project managers, it gives real answers to the latest project status at the touch of a button.retail compliance audits

We take reporting seriously at CJRS Global – our secure portal is designed specifically for quick and accurate reporting on Audits & Surveys, POP installation, maintenance, and field marketing projects.

Our installers and partners use smartphone technology to capture data and photos from the field which synchronises with your reporting system in real time. All data is handled intelligently and provided to you in a useful, meaningful style and system for your own business’ needs.

Providing you with one point of reference for retail estates that span the globe, the report provided is bespoke to each project containing retail outlet addresses, display asset details, extensive photographs, visit schedules, warehouse & stock tracking and historical visit reports. All data is saved and stored securely to help you plan future in-store campaigns.


commercial Flooring     Retail mainentance

  • Installers
  • Merchandisers
  • AV Technicians
  • Electricians
  • Robotics Engineers


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