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Seasonal retail display maintenance – Keeping your store fresh year round

First impressions count in almost all aspects of life and retails is no different. If you walk into a store and it is cluttered and unkempt this will certainly put many people off from spending time browsing which in turn will lead to less revenue. Keeping a clean and well organised display maintenance will enhance your customers shopping experience. Keeping well maintained displays will not just look good it will ensure that your customers trust your store and show professionalism. Your display maintenance will help to influence buying decisions and grow sales. The displays you have in your retail space not only  showcase your products but they are an extension of the values associated with your brand.
Successful retail display maintenance goes beyond simple cleaning and organising of the products It ensures that your products are easily accessible, appealing and engaging for potential buyers. They really do help as an additional sales p/loy for your brand.. Your products are what make you revenue and having a well maintained retail display will cause your customers to interact with your products and this will also encourage sales and returned business.
Lets look at some tips on how retail display maintenance is done:
Planning – When thinking about retail maintenance a plan is the best place to start. Use check lists and tasks outline exactly how you will carry out the maintenance this will ensure that nothing is missed. Make sure that your displays are easy to clean and maintain, displays that are able to be customised are always a good shout as are modular displays. Ensure your team are part of the plan so they can help with display maintenance and they can eliminate any issues easily should they arise.
Clean, clean, clean – We really can not emphasise this enough that cleaning daily will make sure you keep on top of the cleanliness of your store. Wipe and dust surfaces and clean any glass use lighting to ensure that the brightness in your store will showcase your displays.
Repairs – Any repairs should be dealt with immediately for safety but also to show you are professional.
Seasonal refreshing – Ensure that your displays are in keeping with the seasons which will help to ensure your seasonal promotions are successful and your customers are getting what they need.
Promotional materials – Amy promotions can be clearly displayed using signs, banners and highlighted displays. This all works towards a successful promotion.
Ask your customers – The main priority of your business is your customers so why not ask them about your displays and see what they would like to see. Feedback is key in retail.
If you are interested in finding out more about retail display maintenance, contact the team at CJ retail today for more information and a friendly discussion of how we can help optimise your retails maintenance.