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Understanding FSDU  – A marketers guide to in store success

Here at CJ Retail our aim is to help you to improve the success of your business through effective marketing strategies. Here we will look as FSDU – what it is and how it can help you gain in store success within your retail business.

What is FSDU – FSDU stands for free standing visual display units. They are an extremely useful way of marketing instore and displaying in store promotions. An FSDU is usually a cardboard display and stand alone away from the usual displays as a powerful advertising tool. They are often used besides counters or on the ends of aisles or at prominent points within your store to showcase short term promotions. They are used as a sales tool to showcase key products and promotions to bring them to the attention of the customer by being right within their eyeline. They are easy to assemble and an affordable way of marketing a promotion to help entice customers to make impulse purchases and to increase awareness of a certain product.

Why use FDSU’s – Using a free standing visual display will usually be very beneficial in the retail sector. They bring attention easily to products that you wish to showcase or promote which will in turn help to increase the chance of an impulse purchase. They are eye catching and most customers will not walk buy without a second glance which also helps to increase brand awareness.

How do you make the most of an FDSU – Lets look at how to utilise a FSDU to the maxiumum and what they should include –

  • They should showcase the brand and product – The FDSU should stand out and catch the eye of the customer but should also stay inline with the brand and product theme. It should compliment the stores theme and this will then create a more lasting impression on your customer.
  • Practical – The FDSU should be practicle and lightweight and be easy to move around to where you require in your store so it can be placed where it is likely to see more customer traffic.
  • Look at it as your customer would – The FSDU should be easy to reach for your customers and be within their eyeline.
  • Use lighting – When placing your FSDU think about where it will be lit up to gain the maxiumum attention from your customers and really stand out from the rest.

Using  FSDUs can help to ncrease brand awareness, sales and in turn of course profit. If you are interested in how we can help you with FSDUs for your retail outlet we would love to hear from you and come and have a friendly discussion about ideas and how we can help to increase your customer sales by using this fantastic method of marketing.